BIN Checker is a free online tool to check, verify and validate the BIN (Bank Identification Number) of credit and debit cards.



What is a BIN Checker?

A BIN Checker is an online tool that helps you determine the key information about a credit card BIN, including the issuer, bank, type of card, level (such as Gold or Platinum), country of origin, website, and contact details.

Our BIN Lookup tool helps you find a card number by matching the first six digits of the card (the BIN) with our database. We have a large BIN database (more than 400,000+) which is available here for your convenience. This database is constantly being updated so that you can have accurate information at your fingertips.

What is a Bank Identification Number (BIN)?

A Bank Identification Number (BIN) is the initial four to six numbers that appear on a credit card. The BIN is used to identify which bank/institution issued the card. BINs can be found on credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, gift cards, etc.

A Bank Identification Number (BIN) is also referred to as an Issuer Identification Number (IIN). IINs identify the card issuing institution that issued the card to the cardholder.

credit card number format

The BIN on a credit card is composed of several digits, each with its specific meaning. For example, the first digit is referred to as the Major Industry Identifier (MII), while the first six digits (which includes the MII) make up what's called the Issuer Identification Number (IIN).

To know more about BIN/IIN details like Issuing Network, BIN/IIN Ranges, and Status, you can follow the table below:

American Express34, 37YES
Bankcard5610, 560221 – 560225NO
China T-Union31YES
China UnionPay62YES
Diners Club enRoute2014, 2149YES
Diners Club International36YES
300 – 305, 3095, 38 – 39YES
Diners Club United States & Canada54, 55YES
Discover Card6011, 644-649, 65YES
622126–622925 (China UnionPay co-branded)YES
UkrCard60400100 – 60420099YES
RuPay60, 65, 81, 82, 508YES
353, 356 (RuPay-JCB co-branded)YES
InstaPayment637 – 639YES
JCB3528 – 3589YES
Laser6304, 6706, 6771, 6709NO
Maestro (UK)6759, 676770, 676774YES
Maestro5018, 5020, 5038, 5893, 6304, 6759, 6761, 6762, 6763YES
4571 (Visa co-branded)YES
Mir2200 – 2204YES
NPS Pridnestrovie6054740 – 6054744YES
Mastercard2221 - 2720YES
51 – 55YES
Solo6334, 6767NO
Switch4903, 4905, 4911, 4936, 564182, 633110, 6333, 6759NO
Troy65 (Discover co-branded), 9792YES
Visa Electron4026, 417500, 4508, 4844, 4913, 4917YES
Verve506099–506198, 650002–650027, 507865-507964YES
GPN1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9YES

How to use a BIN Checker?

The BIN Checker tool will allow you to check the details of your BIN or IIN code in just a few seconds. All you have to do is follow the steps:

  • Step 1: Enter the first six digits (BIN) of a credit card number into the input box on our BIN Checker tool.
  • Step 2: Complete the CAPTCHA verification and press the "GET DETAILS" button.
  • Step 3: You should see the issuer of the credit card, as well as other information such as the card type, the country of issuance, and more.

What are the uses of BIN Checker?

BIN Checker can be used for a variety of purposes and is a helpful tool for both individuals and businesses. For instance, you can use it to:

  • Determine the issuer of a card: If you know the BIN of a card, you can use BIN Checker to find out who the issuer is. For example, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc. This is helpful if you're trying to contact the issuer for any reason, such as to report fraud or to dispute a charge.
  • Determine the bank that issued the card: You can use BIN Checker to find out which bank has issued a card. This is helpful if you're trying to locate the details of a particular bank, such as its address or to report fraud or dispute a transaction.
  • Knowing the type of card: The BIN Checker tool can also be used to determine the type of card. For example, you can use it to find out if a card is a Credit, Debit, or Prepaid card. This is important because each type of card has different features and benefits.
  • Checking the level or status of a card: Some cards have different levels or statuses, such as Gold or Platinum. BIN Checker can help you to check the level of a card, which can be useful if you are trying to decide which card to apply for.
  • Knowing the country of issuance: The BIN Checker tool can also be used to find out the country of issuance for a card. This is useful if you are trying to determine whether a card is foreign or domestic.
  • Obtaining the website URL of a card issuer: Website URLs are sometimes included in the BIN Checker results. This can be useful if you want to visit the card issuer's website for more information about the card.
  • Finding the contact details of the issuer: If you need to contact the issuer of a card for any reason, such as to report fraud or dispute a charge, you can use BIN Checker to find the contact details of the issuer.

How does the BIN Checker tool help with fraud prevention?

Fraudsters are always seeking out new payment information for each sale. They either buy extensive lists of stolen card numbers or generate their own, through a BIN attack.

This process involves them creating a card number with a known BIN. They might come across a real card number by chance, but they won't be able to accurately guess the cardholder's personal information.

So, they'll use a BIN to create random card numbers that share the same BIN as the original number. This can cause a lot of problems because the BIN is what tells merchants which bank has issued the card. So, if a fraudster uses a BIN that's associated with a different bank, the merchant might not be able to tell that it's a fake.

BIN Checker can help to prevent fraud by allowing merchants to check the details of a BIN before they process a transaction. This way, they can be sure that the card is being issued by the correct bank and that the cardholder's personal information is correct.

As you can see, a BIN Checker is an important way to assess risk:

  • Is the country of the issuing bank the same as the shipping address?
  • Does the card type match up with what we know about the customer?
  • If the customer is new, do they have multiple cards from the same bank?

Using a BIN Checker can help you quickly and easily assess the risk of a transaction before you process it. This can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

The BIN Checker tool is a helpful way to verify the details of a card. It can be used to find out the issuer of a card, the type of card, the country of issuance, the level or status of a card, and the contact details of the issuer. It can also be used to check the website URL of a card issuer and to obtain the contact details of the issuer.

In addition, the BIN Checker tool can be used to prevent fraud by allowing merchants to check the details of a card before they process a transaction. This way, they can be sure that the card is being issued by the correct bank and that the cardholder's personal information is correct.

By keeping a record of a card's BIN, you can better customize your fraud prevention risk assessment rules. For example, if the IP location doesn't match the card location, that could be a cause for alarm. Similarly, prepaid cards are often more likely to be fraudulently obtained.