BIN Search / BIN Finder is a free online tool that allows you to verify the details of banks or financial institutions issuing BIN/IIN.



What is a BIN Search/BIN Finder?

A BIN Search, also known as a BIN Finder, is a tool that allows you to verify the details of BIN issuing banks or financial institutions by selecting the country, issuer, bank, and BIN.

By using the BIN Search tool you can find out the issuer of a particular BIN, as well as other important information such as the issuing bank, card issuer, card type, card level, issuing country, issuer website, and issuer contact.

What is a BIN/IIN?

A Bank Identification Number (BIN), also known as an Issuer Identification Number (IIN), is the first six digits of a credit or debit card.

The BIN is used to identify the card issuer and helps to prevent fraud. When you enter your credit or debit card information into a merchant's website, the BIN is used to match the card with the bank that issued it.

The table below provides detailed information about BIN/IIN, including the issuing network, ranges, and status:

American Express34, 37YES
Bankcard5610, 560221 – 560225NO
China T-Union31YES
China UnionPay62YES
Diners Club enRoute2014, 2149YES
Diners Club International36YES
300 – 305, 3095, 38 – 39YES
Diners Club United States & Canada54, 55YES
Discover Card6011, 644-649, 65YES
622126–622925 (China UnionPay co-branded)YES
UkrCard60400100 – 60420099YES
RuPay60, 65, 81, 82, 508YES
353, 356 (RuPay-JCB co-branded)YES
InstaPayment637 – 639YES
JCB3528 – 3589YES
Laser6304, 6706, 6771, 6709NO
Maestro (UK)6759, 676770, 676774YES
Maestro5018, 5020, 5038, 5893, 6304, 6759, 6761, 6762, 6763YES
4571 (Visa co-branded)YES
Mir2200 – 2204YES
NPS Pridnestrovie6054740 – 6054744YES
Mastercard2221 - 2720YES
51 – 55YES
Solo6334, 6767NO
Switch4903, 4905, 4911, 4936, 564182, 633110, 6333, 6759NO
Troy65 (Discover co-branded), 9792YES
Visa Electron4026, 417500, 4508, 4844, 4913, 4917YES
Verve506099–506198, 650002–650027, 507865-507964YES
GPN1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9YES

How to use a BIN Search tool?

Using a BIN search tool is simple. Just follow the few steps below and you'll be able to get the details of a particular BIN in no time:

  • Step 1: Select the COUNTRY of BIN issuance.
  • Step 2: Select the BIN BRAND (Visa, Mastercard, etc.).
  • Step 3: Select the BANK issuing the BIN.
  • Step 4: Select the Bank Identification Number (BIN).
  • Step 5: Complete the CAPTCHA verification.
  • Step 6: Click on the "GET DETAILS" button.

In what ways can a BIN Finder help reduce fraud?

There are many ways in which a BIN Finder can help to reduce fraud. Some of these are listed below:

  • Help you to verify the details: A BIN Finder can help you to verify the details of a particular card-issuing bank or financial institution.
  • Identify the issuing country: A BIN Finder can help you to identify the issuing country of a particular BIN.
  • Identify the issuing bank: A BIN Finder can help you to identify the issuing bank, card issuer, and card type of a particular BIN.
  • Find the contact details: A BIN Finder can help you to find the contact details of the issuer of a particular BIN.
  • Help you to test the payment environment: A BIN Finder can help you to test the payment environment by searching for particular BIN details.